Monday, 2 July 2018

M4: How the Film Meets The Client Brief

The Client Brief states that; the film can be a maximum of 10 minutes long, must conform to a recognisable genre, we can work in a maximum group of 3 and we must all have specific roles in the production, and finally, all content must be original and produced by you.

Pineclones is in the guide lines of the client brief as it meets all of the requirements we were given by the client as it is below the maximum 10 minute run time, it also easily identifies as a horror film and we are working in a group of three and each member of the group has a specific role.

Ben: Camera Operator/ Editor 

Aalyan: Director/ Sound
Sam: Consumes/Props/ Equipment Manager

Codes and Conventions of a horror film:

The common codes and conventions of a horror film are as follows; a title sequence at the start, ambient diegetic sounds, low lighting, tense music, close ups, POV, blood, violence, hand held camera work, no phone signal, early death, shot scene cuts and isolated locations.
I believe that Pineclones easily identifies as a horror film for many reasons. The music we will be using will be that of a horror film (slow build up with an intense beat to build tension in the film). we will also be taking advantage of post production and make the shots look a lot darker to give the allusion that we filmed at night and we will interpret subtle tints of red, a colour commonly attached to a film in the horror genre. 

The setting for pineclones is an isolated place which is often used in horror films to give the impression the the victims are all alone with the killer. POV shots in pineclones allow the audience to see the world from the man in the masks eyes as he chases after the boys. Disturbing sounds are used throughout pineclones, most of the sounds we use are Ambient Diegetic sounds like footsteps, diegetic sounds build tension as the audience can hear the noice but they can't see the source of it. And finally we plan to use long periods of slow editing to foreshadow something bad that is about to happen this is done because it helps to build up tension in the film.  

Audience Pleasures:


In our film there are many things that relate to diversion. There is some comedic factors within the film that come from the characters relationship with each other. The comedic factors are used as a relief as the film is relatively action packed and serious to fit with the horror genre. This correlates to another entertaining factor with that being the action within the film, we have small confrontation/fight scene which then leads to a fact paced foot chase in a POV shot.


Relationships are a major part of the film as within the short film as we don't get the time we would in a series to get to know the characters so the audience needs to see the great friendship bond between 3 close friends straight away in the film. In pineclones we reinforced this by showing how they were willing to risk their own lives to save the others. In the film when Joe is found dead, the boys are initially reluctant to leave but they soon realise that by staying there they are putting themselves at risk. Another example of the bond between the friends is shown in the last scene when Aalyan shows lots of emotion when he sees Ben being killed by the ' Masked Man', in this scene Aalyan tries to save his life but is too slow. consequently leading to an emotional final scene in which Aalyan realises that he has lost his two best friends.
This film was made for a young audiences and i believe my film conforms to that due to its excitement and scary theme. Pineclones also has hints of humour that breaks apart the fast paced style of the short film. 

To meet the client brief we exported the film as an MP4 file format with a codec of H.264 at 1080p the reasoning for this was is because it makes it is high def and hd meaning it can be played back at a film festival which is required for the brief, the codec makes it suitable for uploading to the internet which allows us to publish and distribute online.  

1 comment:

  1. what are the codes and conventions of horror films?
    which codes and conventions have you used in yours?
    This is for a film festival and a youth audience - what about your film will make it appealing to them? (think about audience pleasures)
    also confirm that you exported a video in a specific file format - MP4 H.264 suitable to be played back or uploaded to the internet.
