Friday, 8 February 2019

Unit 20 - P2: Create a plan for a cross media advertising campaign

Mind Map of Initial Ideas

Mood Board for Inspiration 


Campaign Title/Slogan: 

What else you gonna do on a weekend? 

What are the aims and objectives of the brief?

The aim of the campaign is to entertain and attract viewers. It is also a call to action, this means it is trying to pull in viewers. It also need to be cross media with around 4 different types of media with planning for all the different types of media i choose to do.

What drama series will you be advertising and what are the key things that are likely to appeal to the target audience?

My drama is about young lads becoming involved in football hooliganism. What attracts the target audience is surveillance as this is a transgressive subject and upper class teens wont have ever experienced to violence and culture behind hooliganism.

Who exactly is the target audience? 

The target audience for my media production is from the socioeconomic classes of A, B and C1. This is because of surveillance as an audience pleasure. The general age group for my production is 17-25 year olds but also the age of 30-45 year olds, the reason for this is young people enjoy the transgressive subject and theme and the older people can relate to the characters, theme and the time period it is set in.

How can you work out exactly who the target audience is likely to be?

I can work this out through the use of primary research, methods of doing this could be surveys and focus groups.

Potential issues and concerns?

Potential issues with my advertising campaign is that the target audience will primarily be males so this cuts out a large group of views that can be targeted, also there are 2 very different age groups that i am looking to target so the advertising campaign might be hard to target both as they don't have similar tastes.

What are some of the possible methods and platforms on which you could advertise the series?

- Social Media
- Public Transport
- Billboards
- TV adverts on other BBC programs (cross promotion)
- Website
- Radio

What is the key message?

The key message for my campaign will be for promotional purposes. the message will be to watch the drama.

How I will advertise my media and pre-production methods I will use:

Billboard - create a visualisation  diagram of how i want the poster/billboard to look and then make the image on adobe illustrator, once made on illustrator put the image onto a real life billboard using photoshop.

Equipment Needed - Adobe Illustrator, photoshop, computer

Radio - Script must be written and radio advert must be filmed.

Equipment Needed - Microphone, computer, script template, actors/narrator

Social Media - Visualisation diagram to be drawn up, Instagram page to create can be made as a home page image on.

Equipment Needed - Computer, photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

Public transport - Create a visualisation diagram, create the poster on adobe illustrator

Equipment Needed - Computer, photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

Time Management Plan for This Unit:

Time Management Plan For Advertisement Release:

Social Media pictures will be the first release and will have teaser pictures and billboard designs onto a instagram page and facebook page.

The next advertisement to be released will be billboards and public transport adverts all around the country this will feature large advert designs on buses, train stations and roadside billboards.

And finally the radio advert will be released closer to the release of the drama this will feature script from the the drama for example part of the opening scene and will also have narration over the top.

Initial sketches of the designs I intend to create:

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