Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Unit 21 - P2/P3: Create a Pitch to Communicate my Idea

My Proposal Pitch:

Supporting Documents I Intend to Use With My Script:

Script -

Storyboard -

Friday, 5 April 2019

Unit 20 - P3: Production Day & Supporting Documents

Saturday 6th of April - Planned Filming Day 

Meeting Time - 12:00
Begin Filming - 12:10
Finish Filming - 14:00
Begin Filming of Other Students Media - 14:15

Equipment Needed:

- Camera
- Mic
- Props
- Costumes


- Ilkley Streets
- Ilkley Park
- Public House

Call Sheet:

Risk Assessment 


- Joe Hardaker: Joe
- Joe Strother: Dan
- Ben Oddy: Jack
- Bradley Elms: George


-Aalyan Ali
- Jack Strother

Actor Release Forms:

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Unit 20 - M2 - Justify the choice of planned components by the targeted media sector

In a media campaign all of the pieces of advertisement must appear to be linked and have a common style that links all of the adverts together, this can be achieved through similar colours and fonts and also through the use of a slogan/slug line.

My advertisement campaign will feature 3 main colours; blue, white and yellow (The main colours of Leeds United Football Club) the slug line for my campaign will be “What else you gonna do at the weekend?”The methods of advertisement that i will be using will be; Radio, TV/YouTube Trailer, Social Media Adverts, Billboard Designs and finally Public Transport Advertisement. I have chosen these methods of advertisement because i think it will correctly communicate with my target audience, the audience is primarily teenagers who have access to social media and use it daily.

TV/YouTube trailer - 

YouTube is a growing site and is very popular with my target audience, on average around 5 Billion videos are watched on YouTube every day world wide which shows that the site can reach a wider audience and it has over 1 billion active users per month this will allow me to gain large publicity for 'A Casual State of Mind'.  Secondly YouTube is a completely free service to watch and publish videos this means it will allow me to keep costs of the advertisement to a minimum. It is also easier for the target audience to access the trailer as it will be published on a free and very popular website, Furthermore YouTube can give a return on the video due to CPM (cost per mille) and mid-roll adverts on the video which will could provide a substantial revenue stream if the views are high. The same trailer can also be showed on TV to widen the span of distribution and the amount of people that are targeted. I can take advantage of cross promotion through the BBC to distribute my trailer at a lower cost than if i was to distribute through an external company meaning the trailer can be played in the advertisement of similar dramas on different BBC channels such as BBC1 and BBC2 in order to target the correct audience. Playing the Trailer on tv multiple times will get the audience to to subconsciously remember the show and then think of it when it comes to watching a new show similar to how people remember the 'Go Compare' advert subconsciously due to the repeating theme tune and will then think to use the site when getting insurance. 

Public Transport and Billboard Ads - 

Public Transport and Billboard ads are a great way to advertise as they are viewed 24/7 so of the millions of people that will pass a billboard, most will notice it. OAAA did a study in 1999 that says people glance at 70% of the billboards they pass. Billboards are a cheap way of advertising and can reach the intended audience very effectively. 

Another reason i have chose to use billboards in my advertising campaign for the TV series 'A Casual State of Mind' is because billboards can gain access to a much larger amount of people as not one specific type of person sees a billboard, this means that the advert for my series can reach more than just the specific audience i intended it to to draw in more viewers. Another reason i chose billboards to advertise the series is because the information is easily understood and catches the eye when sat in a car, specifically for the younger demographic within the target audience. Furthermore unlike many other methods of advertising like TV and radio billboards cannot be turned off and they don't take a search to be found they are just in your eye sight.

Radio Ad - 

Radio adverts are another great way of reaching the intended target audience i could use cross promotion between the BBC and utilise BBC radio 1 which gets an average of 7 million listeners every day, this means the cost of my Advert would be reduced overall. This ad would reach my intended audience as they will have the radio on in the car, after research i have established that the most popular radio station for my targeted age demographic is Capital FM so i can aim to use them as a distribution source for my radio ad however this does mean that i cant utilise cross promotion. My radio ad will consist of dialogue taken straight from the trailer and will also feature newly seen dialogue that is not in the trailer.

Social Media - 

The use of Social media will be specifically designed to target the intended audience of a 'Casual State of Mind'. Our pages will follow and interact with those who follow the BBC3 page and people who follow football centred accounts such as the Instagram page 'Stray Offside'. 

Social media will be the main area of our advertising campaign due to our target demographic. Social media allows me to attract a large amount of people within the target audience, research suggests that approximately 94% of 16-24 year olds in the UK are using social media sites everyday. We will be creating Pages on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook as these are the most popular of the social media sites and will help us gain a large following. 

From social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook the audience can access updates about the release date and also the teaser trailers and finally the finished full length trailer. The trailer will initially be available on youtube/TV and then it will be distributed to the audience by the social media pages. The social media page will include extra sneak peak information about the series including character profiles and teaser imagery.